Thursday, March 8, 2007

Al-Qaida Operating in the South ?

Not so long ago, the Hezb has publicly vowed to fight off any attempts by Al Qaida to establish itself and operate in areas under its direct control and to contain the spread of the Salafists to the Palestinian refugee camps and the Akkar-Tripoli region. However, the Hezb masters in Damascus and Tehran seem to have a change of heart recently and have authorized the infiltration of Salafist militants (their former mortal enemy) to southern Lebanon through the Syrian border according to this article. Not sure how credible this information is but it's worth reading anyway.


Ghada said...

this is nothing new, ennemies keep on changing. Let me remind you how the chi3a were so happy when the israelis invaded lebanon to get rid of palestinians who were just taking over everything. Now the chia are fighting the israelis! And let's remember how syria was fighting the groups who were against israel.
It always depends on what is the best for the interest of the moment.

Anonymous said...

Ouais, et pis un jour ils seront plus d'accord entre eux et ca va faire boum..

Ce pays restera un refuge de tarés en tout genre! ( le taré radical, le taré BCBG, le taré divin, le taré "maniak", le taré rigolo) bref beaucoup de cadeaux.

3ameel sahyouneh said...

Just like yesterday for example when following that late night meeting at ain el tineh, el-Istez/daoulet el-ra2iss appears on camera all smiling declaring to the world that a "la ghaleb oua la maghloub" resolution is being worked out. How could he even mention the words "la maghloub" ? Man n2asaf 3omro lal balad for the past four months, ou fallaso kil shi fi ma7allet bel ouwasat al tijere, ou tsarra7o el ness min ashghelon, oul balad maghloud 3ala amro, and he goes on declaring to humanity anno ma fi "maghloub" !

Akeed fi maghloub: el-maghloub houwe el-watan.